The Shungite Aghora Crystals Collection

T H E   S H U N G I T E  C O L L E C T I O N

Shungite stone crystal has a unique composition. It's a natural mineral with powerful healing properties.

Shungite uplifts your space, protects you from EMF radiation and 5G. 

Known for its ability help you navigate harmful electromagnetic radiation (as found in cell phones, computers, televisions and microwaves), by causing the subtle fields in the environment to become more bio compatible. Absorbs and eliminates everything that imposes a hazard to life, but restores all that is beneficial.

Shungite is a catalyst for positive change and growth with its incredible ability to ground. 

This is a powerful energetically healing stone for you to add to your healing art collection to beautify your home or as an altar piece. 

This stone is pure magic.

Aghora Crystals one of a kind shungite pieces have been intentionally energized by me ( Nathalie Croix), in meditations, reiki, rituals, ceremonies by the river, fire, under trees, sun and stars for several months.


How to clear my Aghora Crystal raw natural shungite ?

Do not place in in water. Energize your shungite on the ground, on grass, by a tree, under the night sky, moon, stars and with sun. Sun is the favorite method to re-charge your shungite. You can also place it by a selenite crystal for a couple of days and this too is a favorite method.

My shungite altar piece loves to sunbathe outdoors under a tree for hours.

Zazhoginsky field is one of the richest Russian fields of Shungite on the territory of the Republic of Karelia.

ZAZHOGINSKY mine is the world's best quality Shungite. 

100% raw authentic Shungite is a rare find and exclusive to our new AGHORA CRYSTALS collection.


It is recommended you place a 100% authentic Shungite near your computer or electronics for EMF neutrality and protection.

Shungite also assists you with dream work and grounding. If you want to go deep into astral travel during your sleep at night and come forth with many revelations, place your shungite by your bed stand at night or under your bed. I recommend you do this no more than three times a week. This is a powerful stone and we need to ask for all healing and soul evolution to happen in the organic LIGHT CODE, in divine timing and for the highest good of everyone involved. If you need further guidance connect to your Highest Self, for your Highest Self has the most insight to all your answers, or you can book a distance energy healing session with me.

I am sending you so much love !

May all the portals of awakening clear all the paths for your soul evolution in harmony and peace.

Nathalie Croix